Telegram started to get more users to the platform since the news on WhatsApp privacy update.
In this post, we’re going to share with you 5 reasons for changing to Telegram.
- The first reason for using Telegram is the number of members in a group. You can only have 256 members in a WhatsApp group but in Telegram, the limit is 200,000! No need to worry about creating multiple groups for members.
- The file sending limit is 2GB in Telegram which is enormous and guess what, the files will be saved in Telegram’s cloud server instead of your phone, unlike WhatsApp! In other words, when you press on the files sent by others in Telegram, your phone will only save a cache of the files without saving the full copy of the files, hence saving space for your mobile devices. You can click on the files anytime long and press save to download to get a copy of the whole files saved to your mobile devices.
- On the privacy side, the Telegram app only collects your phone number, contacts, and user ID, unlike other messaging apps which collect your fitness info from other apps that you interact with or websites that you visit. Telegram also uses a public “username” for your account, which means that other people could contact you via your public username without knowing your personal details such as your phone number. However, the downside of Telegram is that Telegram only uses cloud encryption on the basic chats and only secret chats will have end-to-end encryption. More information: //tsf.telegram.org/manuals/e2ee-simple. Advantage-wise, without end-to-end encryption, Telegram is able to allow users to sign-in in on multiple devices without issue, unlike WhatsApp.
- In Telegram, you can have different types of interactions such as personal accounts, groups, channels, and bots. Personal account and group interaction are similar to what other messaging platforms have to offer. While for channels, users can subscribe to channels that interest them and receive information or posts from the channel, somewhat similar to broadcast in WhatsApp. Follow our Cre8tive Telegram Channel: t.me/Cre8tiveNow.
- The next advantage of using Telegram is bots. Bots, short form for robots allow developers to customize and automate tasks for different applications including auto-reply chatbot, FAQs system, auto-ban spam users, valid user verification, or even payment system directly in Telegram. Users are able to make payments via the integrated payment provider directly in Telegram and get the invoice/receipt after the payment has been made. To test the payment system, go to t.me/cre8tivebot and select demo.
Feel free to contact sales@cre8tivenow.com for more information regarding the Cre8tive Telegram Payment System. Follow us at buymeacoffee.com/cre8tivenow to get the latest news directly sent to your mailbox.